Sunday, December 19, 2010

Chemistry-Proverbs (Important aspects of Chemistry research)

10 seconds labeling a sample saves 30 minutes identifying it later.

Knowing the chemistry of a reaction before running it once is better than running it ten times without knowing anything.

Just because you found it in literature doesn't mean it's correct

The more you learn, the dumber you feel

Troubles overcome are good to tell
One chemist's side product/decomp is another chemists target.

Cleanliness is next to success

A day in the library can save a week in the hospital

The more you get,the more you want

Let it sit, and it goes to sh*&.

Gram in hand is worth two in the flask

Rearrangements happen.

Garbage in, garbage out

If you don't get what you like, try to like what you get.

The more you try the luckier you get.

Change or you will be changed
Too much analysis leads to paralysis

It's not the cage that sings, it's the bird inside.

The flask only falls when you are not there to catch it.

If it is highly colored, you will spill it on yourself.

The worse it smells, the greater chance that it will bump.

Chemistry is trying

The more you give the more you get
An hour a week on basics can yield advanced ideas

Education is the path from cocky arrogance to miserable insecurity

Love your chemistry, chemistry will love you!

The work isn't done until the pigs are fed, watered and ready to fly!

A week in the lab can save you a day in the library.

BOC-Pipirazines WILL foam!

When in doubt, throw it out.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Iterative Suzuki Miyaura Coupling Reaction

Iterative Suzuki Miyaura Coupling Reactions

     The Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reaction of boronic acids is one of the most important and highly utilized reactions in the organic chemistry toolbox, with applications in polymer science as well as in the fine chemicals and pharmaceutical industries. However, many boronic acids are extremely unstable and susceptible to decomposition that renders them inefficient in coupling reactions or makes long-term storage difficult.

    Iteration (lat. “iterare”=to repeat) is a powerful strategy employed in the biosynthesis of complex molecules. In these controlled iterative reactions, di- and multifunctional building blocks are employed that contain only one reactive functional group (“ON”), while all other groups are unreactive (“OFF”) thereby suppressing uncontrolled polymerization (Scheme 1). After the selective coupling of the reactive group, another, previously unreactive functional group is activated/deprotected (“ON”) and the coupling sequence repeated, thus allowing the efficient formation of defined oligomers from readily available building blocks. This enables even nonexperts to synthesize complex molecules in a short time, and promotes the rapid investigation and application of these compounds in chemistry and biology. An ideal iterative coupling would meet the following criteria:

ü  Many differently substituted building blocks are readily available and inexpensive;

ü  Coupling and activation/deprotection step are high yielding, are tolerant of many different functional groups, and do not require nor produce toxic compounds;

ü  Handling, separation, and purification are facile;

ü  The iterative coupling sequence is reliable and predictable, which are important aspects for applications in natural product synthesis and in industry;

ü  The sequence is suitable for solid phase synthesis and automation.

Here you may get the recent literature on Iterative Suzuki Miyaura Coupling reaction.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Name Reactions in Organic Chemistry

Dear Chemistry lovers, 

As a chemist we need to remember at least 100-200 name reactions. You no need to worry to find all name reaction collections. you can easily find from the following sites. These are very nice sites for your name reaction searches. 

Named Organic Reactions (By Prof. Doug Taber) 

Named Organic Reactions (by Prof. Michael Smith) 

Named Organic Reactions (by Hilton Evans) 

Named Organic Reaction (by Marcus Brackeen) 

Organic Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity - Video Class By Peter Vollhardt

Chemistry of Benzylic Compounds
Its a very nice video Class by prof. Peter Vollhard  from Berkeley University. Its a good resource for student as well lecturers.

Organic Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity - Video Class By Peter Vollhardt

Amines : Preparation and Reactivity
Its a very nice video Class by prof. Peter Vollhard  from Berkeley University. Its a good resource for student as well lecturers.

Organic Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity - Video Class By Peter Vollhardt

Chemistry Of Carboxilic Acids
Its a very nice video Class by prof. Peter Vollhard  from Berkeley University. Its a good resource for student as well lecturers.

Organic Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity - Video Class By Peter Vollhardt

Enols. Enolates, Enals, and Enones

Its a very nice video Class by prof. Peter Vollhard  from Berkeley University. Its a good resource for student as well lecturers.

Unsaturated Aldehydes and Ketones

Organic Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity - Video Class By Peter Vollhardt

Carbonyl Compounds: Aldehydes and Ketones
Its a very nice video Class by prof. Peter Vollhard  from Berkeley University. Its a good resource for student as well lecturers.

Organic Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity - Video Class By Peter Vollhardt

Directing Group Effects in Aromatic Electrophilic Substitution Reactions
Its a very nice video Class by prof. Peter Vollhard  from Berkeley University. Its a good resource for student as well lecturers.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Organic Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity - Video Class By Peter Vollhardt

Electrophilic Aromatic Substitutions
Its a very nice video Class by prof. Peter Vollhard  from Berkeley University. Its a good resource for student as well lecturers.

Organic Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity - Video Class By Peter Vollhardt

Benzene and Aromaticity
Its Very Nice Video Class By prof. Peter Vollhard  from Berkeley University. Its a good resource for student as well lecturers.

Organic Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity - Video Class By Peter Vollhardt

Diels-Alder and Electrocyclic Reactions
Its Very Nice Video Class By prof. Peter Vollhard  from Berkeley University. Its a good resource for student as well lecturers.

Organic Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity - Video Class By Peter Vollhardt

Delocalized Pi system : Proppenyl and Extended Conjucation
Its Very Nice Video Class By prof. Peter Vollhard  from Berkeley University. Its a good resource for student as well lecturers.

Organic Chemistry: Structure and Reactivity - Video Class By Peter Vollhardt

Delocalized Pi Systems - Propenyl and Butadiene

Its Very Nice Video Class By prof. Peter Vollhard  from Berkeley University. Its a good resource for student as well lecturers.