Thursday, July 31, 2008

Infrared Spectroscopy for Organic Chemists

Infrared Spectroscopy for Organic Chemists Web Resources Databases SDBS NIST Chemistry WebBook FDM Reference Spectra Databases AEDC/EPA spectral database Galactic Spectral Database David Sullivan FT-IR Library Ivo Leito's FT-IR spectra of paint and coating materials Sigma-Aldrich catalog Simulation of IR Spectra TeleSpec - Interactive ComSpec3D Texts IR Spectroscopy (Bristol University) (not working?) WebSpectra (UCLA) Biorad (Application Notes) WearCheck (Infrared Analysis as a Tool for Assessing Degradation in Used Engine Lubricants / Monitoring Oil Degradation with Infrared Spectroscopy) Paul Young's IR Spectroscopy Tutorial (Site 2) IR Tutor (Columbia University) Intro to IR Spectroscopy and Greenhouse Gases Chemistry Hypermedia Project Infrared Spectroscopy by Gregory Brust Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry by William Reusch Infrared Spectroscopy by Kildahl Organic Compound Identification Using Infrared Spectroscopy by Volland Preparation of samples for IR analysis Multimedia short course on IR spectroscopy (in German) Helpers for interpretation @CSU Stanislaus Spectroscopic Tools (University of Potsdam) IR Correlations by Vidrine Problems Organic Structure Elucidation Workbook (Notre Dame University) WebSpectra (UCLA) Miscellaneous Infrared Pages on the Net Problems and display of spectra using Chime Internet Journal of Vibrational Spectroscopy Display of vibrations in molecules Free software ACD's SpecViewer MDL's Chime Ched Demo (chemical database management software) [Site 2]

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