Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Periodic Table with up to Z=172 Element

An extended periodic table with 54 predicted elements has been mapped out by a chemist in Finland.
The periodic table of the elements was proposed in 1869 by Dimitri Mendeleev. The value of his scheme for organising the elements was proven by the prediction of the existence and properties of then unknown elements including gallium (first isolated in 1875).

Now Pekka Pyykkö at the University of Helsinki has used a highly accurate computational model to predict electronic structures and therefore the periodic table positions of elements up to proton number 172 - far beyond the limit of elements that scientists can currently synthesise.

New Periodic Table-2010
The extra 54 super heavy elements predicted by Pyykkö may exist under extreme conditions with very short lifetimes owing to radioactive decay, but have not yet been synthesised.

Read the Original Article:

A suggested periodic table up to Z 172, based on Dirac–Fock calculations on atoms and ions
Pekka Pyykkö, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2010
DOI: 10.1039/c0cp01575j

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